Message from our Program Manager - December 2022

Dear LCLUCers, friends of LCLUC, international colleagues and friends, The past year has been marred by the gloomy war in Ukraine, with the threat of an escalation to a global, nuclear conflict. The atrocities by the aggressor towards the civilians and the current destruction of the civilian infrastructure in the center of Europe is unimaginable for the 21th century. On the other hand, it seemed that the world got accustomed living with the COVID virus. They say, a bitter joke in Kiev, once the bombs and rockets started falling on Ukrainian cities, was that to the question “What’s the situation with COVID at your place?”, the answer would be “What is it?”. We all became experts in virtual meetings and review panels. But with time we gradually started socializing and attending in-person meetings. Although the mask regimes have been until recently less strict almost everywhere, the statistics show some increase in infections, and I see again more masks donned inside sh...