Dear LCLUCers, friends of LCLUC, and international colleagues and friends, This past year has not brought more peace or normality to the world. The continuing war situation in Ukraine and in the Middle East keeps the Earth’s inhabitants under more tension than before, with a potential nuclear threat more serious than ever since the Caribbean crisis 62 years ago. In addition, this was our election year, and the United States are going through a change in the federal government, with many repercussions affecting all aspects of our life both in the USA and internationally. In keeping with the LCLUC tradition, herein I will summarize Program’s achievements in the past year with some personal remarks and convey my best wishes to the LCLUC family and our friends around the world. Solicitations: Past, Present and Future. LCLUC-24 selections brought in many new investigators to the program, especially researchers working with weather forecast and climate models, as a response to th...
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