SARI LCLUC meeting in the Philippines, 28-30th May 2018

South/Southeast Asia (SARI), International Regional Science Meeting on LCLUC and Impacts on Environment in South/Southeast Asia will take place during 28-30th May 2018, in the Philippines. The University of Philippines is hosting the meeting through support from several international organizations and programs such as NIES, Japan, GEOGLAM, NASA-SERVIR, GOFC-GOLD, START, and others.
The purpose of this international meeting is to provide a forum to discuss LCLUC and its impacts, with a regional focus on South and Southeast Asian countries. The meeting will be organized around the following themes:
  • LCLUC and impacts on the atmosphere;
  • Agriculture and water resources,
  • Biomass burning, including land-atmosphere interactions
  • Urbanization
  • Land use in forests and mountain regions
  • Land use in coastal zones
 On day-1, plenary LCLUC sessions on Agriculture; forests; land-atmospheric interactions are planned. On day-2, full day parallel sessions on two different themes, i.e., Atmosphere and Agriculture are planned and on day-3, plenary LCLUC sessions on Urban and Coastal themes are planned. Overview presentations will cover the recent research accomplishments and the state of the art on these topics in South/Southeast Asia, and formulate future research directions and applications development needs for the region. The meeting will explore opportunities for coordination and collaboration among research scientists and teams and ongoing projects aimed to advance our understanding of the spatial extent, intensity, social consequences, and impacts on the environment in South/Southeast Asian countries. All researchers working on the LCLUC topics in South/Southeast Asia are welcome to attend. Please contact Dr. Krishna Vadrevu, NASA MSFC for more information (Email:


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